
Telegram: Society Archive; Family History; Kirtland

Date: 1915 Mar 16

Address: William Kirtland; Weston Turville, Bucks.

Deeply Regret to inform you that 2nd Lient J Kirtland, East Surrey Regt is reported missing 13th March, unofficially reported killed. Lord Kitchener expresses his sympathy.

From Secretary, War Office

Telegram: Society Archive; Family History; Kirtland

Date: 1915 Mar 30

Address: Wm Kirtland; Weston Turville, Bucks.

Beg to inform you that 2nd Lt John Kirtland, E Surrey Regt was killed in action on 12th March, not 13th as previously reported.

From Secretary, War Office

Card: T Hillier WTHSoc_PCA_1_P8_C1

Date: 1915 Apr 26

Address: Miss Lilly Usey, ???? Office, Stuston, Stole 

Message: My D L

Thanks so much for your letter.  Am coming home Monday.  Cannot say what train either 6 or 7.  Will come round Tuesday to see you all.   Just going to Aylesbury.  Hope M is having a nice time, of course, you know H want be able to come.

Love to all

Card: Colin Seabright Page 40a

Date: 1915 Aug 08

Address: Miss W York, c/o Mrs Rixon, 170 Mill Rd, Kettering, Northhants

Message: c/o Mrs Warner, Chandos Arms, Weston Turville, Nr Tring, Herts.

Dear Winnie, Just a P.C. to let you see I have not forgotten you & have got off with a Red Cross boy, With Love, Phyllis

Card: Colin Seabright Page 64a

Date: 1915 Aug 28

Address:- Mrs Dorrell, The Broadway, Amersham, Bucks.

Message:- Manor House, Bucks.

My Dear Mrs. Dorrell.  Just a card hoping you are all quite all right.  I got home quite alright.  I shall come up & see you one Sunday.  Has Mr Dorrell got any work yet. Also, have you heard from Arthur. Much Love to all.  You Very Sincerely Ena Greig

Card: Colin Seabright Page 64b

Date: 1915 Sep 28

Address:- Mrs. Trigg, Queens Head Street, Petersfield, Hants

Message:- Dear thanks for letter & contents – I think I shall come straight back tomorrow all well.  I do not know what time.  I shall get to Petersfield not very late I trust. So don’t trouble about me. With Love ???

Card: AKR_0001a

Date: 1915 Nov 1

Address:- Miss Swales, 21 Knaresborough Road, Ripon, Yorks.

Message:- Dear Miss S. Just a card sincerely you are in the best of health and not too quiet.  I expect that I shall be home soon & I am bringing some one with me.  ???? yours Sincerely, Amy Farthing

Card: Colin Seabright Page 70a

Date: 1916 May 12

Address:- Miss Connie Webb, Brick House Farm, Burwash, Sussex

Message:- My dear C. How are you all?  It seems ages since I heard.  We are quite well also the soldiers.  Will you please send me Stanley’s address?  It is raining here now

Card: Colin Seabright Page 57a

Date: 1916 Aug 05

Address:- Miss F Whittington, 172 Barrow Rd, Sileby Leicester.

Message:- c/o Mrs Bates, Alexandra Cottages, Western Turville Nr. Tring, Herts.

Dear F, Just a PC as I promised cannot get any decent ones its such a small place, but very pretty.  I wrote to ???? and had a letter from him this morning. Would like to send him some cigarettes or Tobacca what does he like, I could perhaps get some in Aylesbury.  Love to all Fifi

Card: Colin Seabright Page 19a

Date: 1916 Dec 1

Address:- Miss Isabel Bates, Fern Villa, Tring Rd, Aylesbury, Bucks

Message:- “Rhodanthe” Dec 1st Thanks for sweet wishes. Yes. I hope you all coming on Sunday, Tell you all news then. Always the same dearie. Yours Auntie KK

Card: Mike Bass MB-0005

Date: 1916 Dec 14

Address:- Miss E. Isabel Bates, Fern Villa, Tring Rd, Aylesbury, Bucks

Message:- “Rhodanthe” Dec 14 1916 

When are you coming over to put cards in the lovely album you gave me.  I am all ready for you dearie. Your own Auntie with kind love K Ph

Card: Colin Seabright Page 87a

Date: 1916 Dec 23

Address:-Miss ? Isabel Bates, Tree? Villa, Tring Rd, Aylesbury, Bucks

Message All loving Xmas and a new years wishes. ??ie I am going to write you in a day or two.  Marjorie has sent me a lovely book & Uncle Arthur Calendar. & Face? Sent one Hope you all better, your Auntie Kittie

Card: Colin Seabright Page 41a

Date: C1917 

Address: Miss Gibbens, 52 Queens Park Rise, Brighton (c/o Mrs Silder)

Message: Dear Dorothy ? Weeb? Thank you for your pretty card and to say dis you have any trouble in selecting it.  I hope dear you will have another nice weeks holiday although this week has not been so nice as the past ????and today it is miserable & ?????raining fast 1-89. ???hope it will be ?   after the rain has come down.  Mr C????said when he saw you card he was surprised at ???? Best ???

Card: Colin Seabright Page 51a

Date: C1917

Address:-Mrs Webb, Brick House, Burwash, Sussex

Message:-School House, Weston Turville, Tring Herts.

Having a jolly good time, Auntie is better but looks very old. I am just going to post these with queenie’s & yke, this view is the School House School & a thatched cottage below. Connie

Card: Colin Seabright Page 56a

Date: C1917

Address Miss A Webb, Brickhouse Ford, Buswath, Sussex

Message:- Will write to D tomorrow. Friday, Yesterday L & I cycled to Kimble a tiny village then on to Wendover, a large village where there is a large flying camp.  We have not been to Halton yet. Tell D I was introduced to Mrs Thorne and a person who keeps a little shop up here told me she remembered Mr Webb.  Auntie says I am not to come back next week but I tell her I must. Connie

Card: T Hillier WTHSoc_PCA_1_P11_C1c

Date: Before 1918 Jun 03 (when postage was one penny)

Address Miss Violet Powell, Sea View, Cromer

Message:- Dear Violet,  Have been to Aylesbury this afternoon, met Flo with her baby.  Do you remember the Moleton ducks, here are some Weston ones.   So glad you are all having a nice time in Cromer.Love from Elsie

Card: T Hillier WTHSoc_PCA_1_P11_C1c

Date: 1918 Dec

Address To Mrs. de Lister, 58 Tyrwhitt Road, Brockley, SE

Message:- 46 High Street, Aylesbury

We are at the above address come on Tuesday.  Hope you are all well.  Also Mrs Bowater getting along nicely.  My love to her and to all of you.

Love G Havant

Card: Mike Bass MB_0012

Date: 1918 Dec

Address To Mrs. Trigg, Queens Head Street, Petersfield, Hants

Message:- My Dear  ????note to wish you a very Happy Christmas ????

Truly yours CE B???? 

Card: Colin Seabright Page 67a

Date: C1918

Address:- Mrs Bryer, Albury, Nr Liddington, Oxon

Message:- You can just see the church.

Dear Mrs Bryer, I thought you would like a postcard of the lodge at the bottom of the drive I could not get one of the house.  But I will try & get it if I can.  I received your letter quite safely.  Yours Truly Mabel

Card: Colin Seabright Page 88a WTPC-0059

Date: C1919

Address:- Mrs Bradburry, 27 Vicarage Rd. Park Lane, Tottenham N

Message:- Dear qb? First a view of the old home, wish you were with us. Love to all J

Card: AKR_0003a

Date: 1919 Dec 23

Address:- Miss S Robertson, 57 The Close, Salisbury

Message:- With best wishes for Christmas from Sarah