Card: Colin Seabright Page 5a
Date: 1962 Aug 30th
Message 30/8
Thanks very much for your holiday ???? I only hope the weather was not too awful. It was so nice to see you & also nice of you to come. We did enjoy the garden produce. I liked the beans especially, & Margaret ate every one of the gooseberries raw!! All the best to you all. M&B
Address M????????????, 38 Court Rd, Caterham, Surrey
Card: AKR_0002a
Date: 1963?
Address:- Mr & Mrs. T. Smith, 10 Moray Avenue, Beresford Park, Birchington, Kent.
Message:- 3, School Lane, Weston Turville, Bucks.
Just a P.C. to let you know I'm staying here with Samantha for ten days. Peter, Pam & Daniel have gone to Italy for a week, Lucy is in France for 3 weeks. Sam is now working as an auxiliary nurse at Stoke Manderville, she has now been able to get a room there, I wonder how she will like it! You may see neighbours of mine (Pat & Jim lived opposite , nice couple. Hansford) They may call on you or you could call on them, they have moved to 22 Newbury Close, Birchington. I have no idea if they are near you, it's a new lot of houses going up. I wonder how Maisie is settling down? Love May
Note. The letter was actually to the Nind family who lived in Wendover Road at the time.
Letter: (from an ebay entry in 2014)
Date: 23 Apr 1965
Address:- G.A. Hind; 260 Wendover Road, Weston Turville, No. Aylesbury, Bucks. ENGLAND
Postmark New York
Mrs. Richard Burton
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Nind:
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your thoughtful letter and words of kindness. It was good of you to write as you did.
With all best wishes.
Your truly,
Elizabeth Taylor Burton