Thatched Cottage, (26) School Lane
The cottage was being thatched during December 2012. John Caudrey took these photos on Friday 7th December, during the thatching process and the completed cottage on 31st December. It was thatched on the front side only with wheat straw that is sourced from Bedfordshire. The thatching was carried out by S.J. Eccles and Sons, Master Thatchers from Melbourne, Derby. The men told John that they traveled each day from Derbyshire as it did not take long on the motorway.
The Society has recently received an email from Sylvia:-
“When my mother was a girl and living in London, she used to visit a family called Trinder in the 1930’s. They lived in School Lane Weston Turville. An amateur artist gave her this watercolour at the time. The artist’s name was Evelyn Sullivan – I believe that she used to stay with a family near there. I know that the Trinder family had two boys who sadly died young with Muscular Dystrophy. I thought that you might be interested in seeing the painting.”