Bucks Local History Network 2013 Schedule and Booking Form
Post date: 01-Aug-2013 16:00:35
2013 Annual Conference & Fair
Saturday 28 September 2013
• Dr Challoner's Girls High School, Little Chalfont
• Lectures by local and national experts
• Displays by local societies
Six half-hour lectures.
Doors open 9am, first lecture 10am.
Roman villas and their landscape in Buckinghamshire / Professor Keith Brannigan
Professor Emeritus of the University of Sheffield, excavator of the Latimer Roman villa; appearances on Time Team; this talk will be a celebration of 50 years of the Chess Valley Archaeological and Historical Society.
Lord or Peasant? The origin of the nucleated village and the open fields, with special reference to North Bucks / Dr Richard Jones
Senior Lecturer in Landscape History at the University of Leicester;
researcher on the Whittlewood project
Theatres of Power: Buckinghamshire forests and chases / Dr Graham Jones
Senior Visiting Research Associate of the University of Oxford and Honorary Visiting Fellow of the University of Leicester; joint author of two books on ‘Forests and chases of England and Wales’ 1000-1850
Conspicuous display: the 18th-century Great House, with special reference to Hartwell / Richard Wheeler of the National Trust
NT national specialist on garden history; those who heard his talk to BLHN on West Wycombe will remember it as a tour de force.
Rothschild money moving a mountain: the creation and role of the Waddesdon gardens / Catherine Taylor
Archivist of the new Waddesdon Archive at Windmill Hill, where the creation of the gardens is well-documented.
Conserving the Chilterns c1920-1950 / Dr Roland Quinault
Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Historical Research; former Honorary Secretary of the Royal Historical Society; specialist in political history; publications include ‘London and the Land Question 1880-1914’.
Attendance is by pre-booked tickets:
£10 per person without lunch, £16 with lunch, full-time students under 25 free (without lunch). Book your place by downloading, printing and returning the Booking Form.
Any enquiries, please contact the society