Malthouse Row

OS Six Inch 1876 and Index to Places in the Parish of Weston Turville.

1831 (16 March)


Particulars of a very respectable freehold, newly-built, brick and slated sash-fronted Residence, capital Malt-house and Granary, Farm yard, with excellent Buildings, three Closes of prime Grass Land, Large Orchard Garden, and other conveniences, pleasantly situate at Church End, Weston Turville, Bucks; 


At the PLOUGH Public-house, in the above Village, on WEDNESDAY, the 16th of MARCH. 1831, at Three o'Clock, in one Lot, under such conditions as will be produced at the time of Sale.

IT comprises all that genteel, new-built, sash-fronted HOUSE, situate at Weston Turville, lately occupied by Mr. Robert Hitchcock; it has a good front parlour, dwelling-house, and kitchen; three front chambers, and one back do.; and a convenient dairy and cellar. Adjoining the house is a capital malt-house, and long range of buildings fitted up for that business, with lofts, large lead cistern, and pump; and a detached new-built granary, on nine stones, with bias complete. Also a good farm-yard, with an excellent large barn, good stabling, cart-shed, pig-sties, poultry-house, &c.; with three closes of rich grass land, a large orchard (well stocked with young and thriving fruit trees), and a good garden, being altogether 7 acres, more or less. The whole is enclosed in a ring fence, and one side is bounded by the mill brook. This Estate forms a very respectable residence for a man of pleasure, the country abounding with game; or for business, there being no malter within the manal distance. Within three miles are two good corn markets, and the roads are famous.

Immediate possession may be had. 

Land-tax,--"--, Quit-rent,--"--

May be seen any time prior to the sale, and further particulars known by applying to Mr. Stone, solicitor, or Mr. Gibbs, auctioneer and surveyor, both of Aylesbury.

In the 1878 Ordnance Survey map of Weston Turville there is an area called Malthouse Row. Malthouse Row was situated at the end of Bates Lane to the rear of the old Bates Bakehouse and Sannie Cottage where Brookside and Bakers Walk are today.

1861 Census Malthouse Row has 19 residents 

1871 Census Malthouse Row has 21 residents 
