Five Bells

WTPC-0155 C1900

WTPC-0120 C1915

The Five Bells was licensed inn in 1865 with Joseph Bunce, a grocer, as the licensee. In 1941 a license was granted for "on" or "off" consumption of wine on condition that hot and cold water was provided in a wash basin in the men's lavatory. The Five Bells was often a venue for inquests in C19. It has changed over the years from an alehouse to a public house and restaurant.

1865 First licensed as an on premises Beer House.[3] 

1872 The premises  was owned by Messrs. James and Horwood, solicitors of Aylesbury and the occupier was Joseph Bunce.[3]

1873 The license was transferred from Joseph to John Bunce. Joseph took the licence of the Seven Stars in Dinton at the same session.[7

1881 Census, William Bunce (29) is the Beerhouse keeper of the Five Bells, together with his wife Isabella (39) and their 6 children.


JUNE 22.

THE LANDLORD AND HIS CUSTOMER - Wm. Bunce, landlord of the "Five Bells," Weston Turville, was charged with keeping his house open for the sale of beer during prohibited hours, namely, Sunday morning, July 9. The charge was proved by P.S. Anthony and P.C. Neale; and defendant was fined 10s, and costs 22s. 

Henry Bunce, for being on the licensed promises, was fined 12s., costs included.

Aylesbury Petty Sessions,[3]


This was the annual licensing session for the Petty Sessional Division, and there was a large attendance of publicans and others. The whole of the licenses were renewed, with the exception of a few Cases, in which the Bench intended to administer a caution; but the owners did not attend, and they were adjourned. Cautions were administered W. Bunce, Five Bells, Weston Turville.

1899 W.Bunce of the Five Bells wins a prize for his Green Gooseberries at the Cottage Garden Society.[8]

1904 License transferred from Joseph F Rolfe to William George Atkins of Luton.[12]

1906 License transfered from James Haynes to Eli Balch of Uxbridge.[16]

1907 FOR SALE. 

A pure white bull terrier bitch, 18 months, 30s., and two pure white bitch puppies from above, 159. and 7s. 6d. each, also white leghorn eggs, 2s. a sitting, Rev. Sturgess strain, hatching well, and can spare some Aylesbury duck eggs, 3s. a sitting, from drake weighing 11-lbs. and ducks 8-lbs, each.-Apply E. Balch, Five Bells, Weston Turville, Tring, Bucks.[23]

1909 License transfered from Eli Balch to Walter Hardy Carrington of Aylesbury.[20]

1910 William Bunce Bankrupt 

WILLIAM BUNCE, poultry dealer and publican, of Weston Turville, appeared for public examination, stating that his liabilities expected to rank for dividend amounted to £306:6:2, and he estimated his assets would produce £16:18:11. Replying to questions by the Official Receiver, he said he started in business when he was 18 years old, and was now 58. He started as a publican and poultry breeder. He was in Yorkshire for about 18 months, and then came to the Five Bells, Weston Turville. He had resided at his present house in that village for the past eight years. He had never been through the Court before, but was in debt to the extent of £10 or £15 when he started in business. He was at the Five Bells for thirty years, and gave up about eight years ago as he was unable to make it pay. He was £200 or £300 in debt then, but struggled on. He had taken up pig dealing, but had lost money at that, as well as the other things he took up.[18]

Official Receiver - "It has been suggested to me that one of the causes of your bankruptcy is the amount of drink which your wife and you consumed."

Debtor - "Yes. It is true, I suppose? I do not think I had more than would do me good."

Official Receiver - "You had £39:13 worth; rather an extravagant bill?"

1910 Five Bells Quoits Club Supper at the end of their first season held a supper and smoking concert.[10]

1918 A Suspicious Character

Wm. Bird, stated to belong to Nottingham district. was charged, on remand, with being found on the premises of the Five Bells public-house, Weston Turville, on Sept. 27, for the purpose of committing a felony; and also with stealing collecting-boxes belonging to the British Red Cross Society and the Royal Bucks Hospital. He admitted being found on the licensed premises, but denied that he was there for an unlawful purpose, and pleaded guilty to the other charges. Walter H. Carrington, licensee of the Five Bells, stated that he closed the house at 9.30 p.m., and went to bed about half-an-hour later. Just as his wife was going to bed they heard a deep sigh, and on looking under the bed they found defendant there, apparently asleep.

1918 Relief from Volunteering

W. H. Carrington, 45, Grade 1, married. Five Bells Hotel, Weston Turville, a fitter employed by the Nestle and Anglo Swiss Milk Company, Aylesbury, applied for relief from the Volunteer condition. He stated that he generally worked until six o'clock, and sometimes up to 8 and 9 o'clock in the evenings, and had to travel a distance of three miles to and from his work. He had an orchard, kept pigs, and cultivated 30 poles of garden, besides having a licensed house. The application was granted.[22]

1929 "Plans of certain structural alterations approved".[19]

1937 Licensing hours extension granted over the Christmas period.[13]

1938 Herbert Douglas McKnight, carpenter, "Five Bells" was found guilty of breach of covenant for the supply of a "Deal" boundary fence for Frank Buckby of "Oaklands" in Main Street.[17]



Herbert Douglas Macknight, beerhouse keeper, "The Five Bells," Weston Turville, was charged with selling intoxicating liquor during non-permitted hours, at Weston Turville, on March 11th. His wife, Violet Macknight, and Pat Callaghan, labourer, lodging at the "Five Bells," were each charged with aiding and abetting, and the following were each charged with consuming:- Frederick Bethell Herbert, decorator, lodging at Council houses, Weston Turville; Frederick Eldridge, Weston Turville; Ernest Atkins, Council houses, Weston Turville; Edward Thomas Gladwell, Main Street, Weston Turville; James Flitney, Worlds End, Weston Turville; Tim Kempster, Church End, Weston Turville, William Flitney, Worlds End Lane, Weston Turville; Frederick Tyrell, Council Cottages, Church End, Weston Turville; Stan Bunce, Council houses, Weston Turville; and Leonard Eldridge, Church End,

Weston Turville. All the defendants pleaded not guilty, and were defended by Mr. Alan Janes, solicitor, of High Wycombe.

P.C. Harman said at 10.55 p.m. he was in the vicinity of the "Five Bells" and saw a motor charabanc stop at the pull-in by the side of the publichouse. The passengers alighted and a number of them entered the house by the rear door. A few minutes afterwards a private car arrived. The vehicle was parked at the rear of the publichouse, and the occupants went inside. Witness saw a light switched on in the bar and then witness communicated with P.S. Thompson. At 11.10 p.m., in company with P.S. Thompson, witness was standing near the sitting room window. which was open, and he could plainly hear voices. He heard a man say, "Drink up." He then heard Mrs. Macknight say, "Have you filled them up?" A man then said, "All right, I will pay." After a few minutes another man said, "It is my turn now; fill them up, Pat." Witness knew the name "Pat" referred to Callaghan. Witness then heard the chinking of money and the noise of bottles...............

They had returned from a darts match from Waddesdon.

Mrs. Macknight "I can't see there is any offence, as they are in my private sitting room."

Mr. Macknight "It is my wedding day, and I have treated them."

Mr Macknight fined £5, Mrs Macknight £1, the cases against Callaghan, Herbert and Eldridge were dismissed each of the other defendants fined 10s. [11]

1939 Kelly's lists Herbert Douglas Macknight. at The Five Bells PH.

1941 "THE FIVE BELLS," is granted an "on" or "off" wine license.

On behalf of Mr. H. D. McKnight, licensee of "The Five Bells," Weston Turville, application was made by Mr. S. E. Wilkins (Messrs. Wilkins and Son, solicitors, Aylesbury) for confirmation of the "on" or "off" wine licence granted by the Aylesbury Licensing Justices on February 3rd last. Mr. Wilkins stated that the house was at present licensed for the sale and consumption of beer on or off the premises. Improvements were made to the premises in September, 1939. Mr. McKnight, who had been tenant for the last three years, received numerous applications to supply wines, chiefly port and sherry, and when the application was before the Justices a petition in its support, bearing 75 signatures, was presented. The "Chandos" and "Plough" were each about 300 yards from the premises. There was no opposition to the application and the licensee had received a letter from the Weston Turville Parish Council stating that they had no objection to the application.

The Committee granted the wine licence, subject to hot water being laid to the service counter and hot and cold water to a wash-basin in the men's lavatory, both of which undertakings were given.[15]

1945 Mr. & Mrs. H.D Macknight who was the proprietor of the Five Bells holds his silver wedding at The Five Bells. All five generations of the family attending the celebration live within 100 yards or so of each other in Weston Turville and four generations of adults married at St. Mary's.[9]

1948 Death of Walter Axtell of the "Five Bells" died, aged 71.[14]

1950 License transferred from Mrs. Violet Constance Macnight to her husband Mr. Herbert Douglas Macknight.[24]

1953 Was it a privilege to have her daughter married?

SHOULD the mother of a bride pay for the " privilege of having her daughter married to somebody else's son?" Using these words, a Judge ruled that she should. At Aylesbury County Court, Deputy Judge W. B. Franklin ordered the mother of a bride. married at Great Missenden three years ago, to pav part of a claim by the proprietor of a coach and car hire service whose vehicles were used at the wedding.

He dismissed an action against the bridegroom's mother for failing to pay a bill amounting to £36 18s. for services tendered at the wedding.

The action was brought against the two parents. Mrs. Violet Con- stance Macknight, of the "Five Bells," West Turville, the bride's mother, and Mrs. Ellen Rose Gomm of Great Missenden. mother of the bridegroom, by Mr. John A. Dixon. Weston Turville coach proprietor.


Deputy Judge Franklin said there had been no evidence of a contract between Mr. Dixon and the two ladies Mrs. Macknight had said she never ordered any coaches and cars for the wedding at all, and Mrs. Gomm that she had ordered two coaches and a car.

"I think it is no doubt true that on the day in question, five coaches and three cars actually did the job," said the Judge.

Mrs. Gomm, he said, had offered to pay £11 through Mrs. Macknight to Mr. Dixon.

"The fact that the plaintiff is vague and unable to give details of his bill is something for which he must suffer," the Judge continued.

"If business people cannot carry on business in a business-like way, they cannot expect a court, when it comes to a dispute, to search and find out what is a contract." It was a "troublesome case," and he would make no order as to costs.[25]

1993 Bass Breweries carry out a a major facelift. General manager is David Wadey; there are 18 bedrooms. The bar billiards survived, but now surrounded by horse memorabilia in a tack room theme. 

2000 St Mary the Virgin had Six Bells again![6]

2003 Bass's hotel and pub group was renamed Six Continents plc. as part of corporate restructuring, the pubs operations became part of a new company, Mitchells & Butlers.  
