Chandos Arms

WTPC-0002 C1905

WTPC-0010 C1940

The Chandos Arms has been a Public House since 1842 when it was run by Richard Pursell, who was a baker. The Chandos Arms was already a hostelry of some form before then. The beer was supplied by Ivinghoe Brewery (owned by Roberts & Wilson), which was acquired by Benskins in 1927. The Chandos was a venue used for political rallies, inquests and auctions. It was also the site of one of the many saddlers in WT in the early 1900s. The fox hounds and the Old Berkeley Beagles would meet at the Chandos Arms at regular intervals throughout the year in the 1950s and 1960s.

1826 The first of Weston Turville’s Benefit Societies established, “The Good Intent Benefit Society”. This continued well into the 20th Century and was also known as "The Chandos Arms Slate Club"

1840 "A license application, which was suspended at the last meeting, was granted to Mr. Richard Pursell, for a house in the occupation of D. Paine, at Weston Turville, but was retained until 26th instant; in the mean time the house is to be enlarged, and brew-house built, as it is Mr. Paine's (Payne?) intention to brew his own beer, and everything added to it that will afford comfort, facility, and convenience.[26,27] 

1841 Census for West End? Rich Purcell (42) Baker Harriot (41) Rich (2) Mary 94

1842 First licensed as a Public House.[3] 

1849 The members of the Weston Turville Good Intent Benefit Society held their 23rd annual meeting on Whit-Monday, at the Chandos Arms. After lunch, they walked to the village church, preceded by their own banner and band, where a most impressive sermon was delivered by the Rev. E. Owen. After service, the members returned to the club house and sat down to an excellent dinner provided for them. 

1847-54 Kelly's (and Musson Craven) Directories shows Richard Pursell as the landlord.

1851 Chandos Arms - Richard Purcell (44) baker and Victualler, Harriet (51) Richard (11)

1854 (2 Oct) Alfred Ginger marries Sarah Purssell

1856 24 Aug Sudden death of Richard Pursell, which led to the license being allowed to stand over until the adjourned license-day.[29

1861 Census is for Alfred Ginger (32) Baker and Publican, wife Sarah (29) daughters ?Hephzibah? (5)  and Martha (8 mon); In 1871, he is a carrier in Bates Lane, Married to Amelia and with two Purssell children and four Ginger children.

1862 (10 Jun) Death "Natural causes" of Alfred Ginger's wife Amelia, The Club feast was the previous day.[12] 

1863 Alfred Ginger listed in the Dutton Allen & Co. directory

1865 Mr. Thomas Dean, wheelwright, who had been a member of the “Good Intent Benefit Society” for 28 years objected to pay the required 3d. per month for house, fire and beer, the cost of the beer being, as was understood, “forgiven” by the landlord of the Chandos Arms. He was excluded from the society for non-compliance with its rules.[4] 

1867  There were about a hundred members  sat down for dinner at the Club Feast.[9] 

1867 Alfred Ginger marries Amelia Purssell (nee Hearn, Widow of Edwin Purssell who died in 1863)

1869 James Roberts is listed as the landlord in Kelly's Directory

1870 James Roberts, landlord was charged with permitting drunkenness in his house. Fined £2 including costs.[15]

1870 James Roberts was fined with costs 17s. 6d for having three pint measures on his premises, deficient half a gill each.[28]

1871 Census - William Purssell (25) is the publican, Sophia Dorrell (50) housekeeper and James Roberts (39, as boarder, a carpenter) with his family.

1872 The application from the Chandos Arms club for the Workhouse band to attend on Whit-Monday, was refused, the Board being of opinion that it would lead the boys into bad habits.[18]

1872 The premises  was owned by Emanuel Purssell of Weston Turville and the occupier was Thomas Goff. The leaseholder was Messrs. Wroughton and Co., Aylesbury [3]

1872 An advertisement "TO PUBLICANS, DEALERS, BAKER, & OTHERS" To be let, the CHANDOS ARMS, situate at the principle corner of four roads; the present proprietor having taken a business in another county.[16]

1873 License transfered from Thomas Goff to Job Sheath[17] 

1873 Job Sheath, landlord of the Chandos Arms was charged with being drunk and using bad language on the highway, opposite his own house, at quarter-past eleven o’clock on 6 September. Case dismissed.[5] 

1873 License transfer from Job Sheath to James Figg.[24] 

1875 Extension of Hours Sat., May 8, James Fig, of the Chandos Arms Inn, Weston Turville, applied for permission to keep open his house until 12 o’clock at night on Whit Monday, the occasion of a club feast.[6]

1876 The Harrod & Co. directory show the landlord as J. Figg

1879 The license of the Chandos Arms was transferred to Martin Read.[19]

1880 Walton Brewery advertise "A full-licensed house, the CHANDOS ARMS with Bakehouse attached".[14]

1880 The license of the Chandos Arms was transferred to Frederick Eaves.[25]

1881 Census - The residents are Jonathan Jessett (29) Publican, His wife Jane (30), son Francis (2) and their servant Nancy Tidbury (14).

1883 Kelly's Directory Jonathan Jessett is the publican

1887 The landlord is John York[1]

1890 (29 June) John York died aged 67. He was buried at St. Mary's, Weston Turville 3rd July.

1891 Census - The residents are Fanny York (59) a widow and publican and Isabella Mobbs (20) Assistant. Isabella marries William Edwin Clarke in 1893 and Arthur Charles Warner in 1915. Fanny York is listed in Kelly's directories of 1891 & 1895.

1893 Mrs. York became proprietress of the Chandos Arms.[32]

1897 Licence transferred from Fanny York to Edwin Clarke (father George).[7]

1899 Kelly's directory lists William Edwin Clarke 1899-1903.

1901 Census Edwin Clarke (40) Licensed Victualler & Harness maker, His wife Isabella (30) , their sons Reginald J (7) and Herbert E (1) and daughters Dorothy M Clarke (6) and Gladys Clarke (3). Someone has written "Sad Pub" across the census record.

1908 Edwin Clarke died on January 8th, probate shows him as an innkeeper and harness maker; Effects £162. On January 18th a temporary transfer was granted to his widow Isabella. At the annual Licensing Meeting on February 1st, "the brewery" failed to submit the correct paperwork for a transfer. There were no objections, the tenant being accepted by the brewers, for she had practically carried on the business for 18 years, her husband having five other businesses.[20]

1911 Census shows Isabella Clarke (40) Innkeeper her sons Reginald (18) a baker and Herbert (11) and daughter Gladys (13). Isabella is also included in Kelly's that year.

1911 (Nov) Reginald Clarke is fined 11s. for riding a bicycle without a light.

1915 Isabella Clarke (Nee Mobbs) marries Arthur Charles Warner.

1915 License transfer from Isabella Clarke to Arthur Charles Warner of Weston Turville.

1915 We have an intriguing card in our archives from Mrs. Warner at The Chandos Arms to W. York. (There is a Winifred York, aged 21 living at 164 Mill Rd, Kettering in 1911.)

1915 Following the death of Mr. E. Purssell, The Chandos Arms was put up for sale by Auction and purchased by Ivinghoe Brewery. It was occupied by Mrs J. Clark.[10]

1920 Arthur E Warner, who had been a licensed victualler for five years without complaint, was summoned by The Divisional Food Inspector and was fined 40s. for selling beer in a public bar at a price exceeding the maximum and another 40s for failing to exhibit the price of beer for sale in the public bar. The beer in question was a half-pint bottle of Guinness for which Warner charged 8½d. which should have exceeded 7½d.[35]

1921 (Nov 4) Arthur Charles Warner died after a short illness aged 39[23] 

1922 (Jan 7) The license is transferred from the late Mr. A.C. Warner to his widow, Mrs. Warner.

1922 Gladys Isabel Clarke marries Mr. Geoffrey William Bodenham, son of the Mayor and Mayoress of Ludlow.  Reception at The Chandos Arms, obviously. General Clarke ???

1924 Extract from Bucks Herald 19 January:-

"SUPPER. The Chandos Arms Slate Club held its annual supper on Friday. This old-established club still retains its popularity, and fills a very useful purpose as shown by the amount of sick benefit it has paid out to several members during the past year. Mrs. Warner, the hostess, catered splendidly as is her usual custom.

The chair was taken by Mr. W. Kirtland in an able manner, the following toasts being heartily received, and accorded musical honours, "The King"; Messrs.

Roberts and Wilson; Mr. H. Munger; "The Club and Secretary" (Mr. H. Hayers); "The visitors and hostess."

Songs were interspersed and a most enjoyable evening was brought to a close by singing 'The King.'"

1926 Isabella Warner was a victim of Charles Edward White, a ship's chief steward, who claimed to be an Excise Officer.[21] (See Hostelries for full story) 

1927 The Chandos Arms is part of the Ivinghoe Brewery tied estate sold and leases transferred to Benskin's.[30]

1927 The Weston Turville branch of the British Legion, with a membership of 75, moved it's headquarters to the Chandos Arms from The Plough Inn.

1928 Under the headline "Caught himself", Herbert Edwin Clarke sent for the police following an accident, when they arrived, he was charged with driving a motor car without a license, it had expired ten days previously.[22] 

1932 John Clark, of "The Chandos" drove a Red Rover motor coach carrying 30 passengers to Ascot Races. He was fined 10s. for exceeding the five ton weight limit on Marlow Bridge. Most surprising was the fact that he had a permit for the trip from the Traffic Commissioners.[33] 

1932 Mrs Warner died, aged 61. Formerly known as Miss Mobbs and the granddaughter of Mrs. York, proprietress of the Chandos Arms.[32]  Interred at St Mary the Virgin near to the grave of her former husband, Many blinds were drawn in token of respect.

1932 (July) License transferred from Isabella Warner, deceased to Dorothy Mable Spencer

1932 (August) License transferred from Dorothy M Spencer to James Edward George[34]

1935 License transferred from James E George to John Field Rose.[31] 

1937 Article from Bucks Advertiser 12 Feb 1937


A favoured few witnessed a sight on Monday evening last which caused a sensation among our expert dart players in Aylesbury, writes a contributor to the "Advertiser."

Aylesbury Ladies met Weston Turville Ladies at the "Queen's Head," Temple Square, the match resulting in a win for Weston Turville by three games to two after the Aylesbury ladies had led two nil.

Believe me these ladies have undoubtedly studied the finer points of the game. Mrs. Smith, of Aylesbury, was at the top of her form, getting out with one and double one, a very good performance.

The two captains. Mrs. Amos ("Queen's Head") and Mrs. Rose ("Chandos," Weston Turville) are both capable players, each showing great skill.

The next match. I understand. is to be played at the "Chandos" on Monday next.

Boys, you may be taking a back seat if you're not careful.

One of the envious menfolk has written the following verse:-

Mary had a little lamb, 

At least, so people say: 

She used to do her knitting,

With boys she'd never play; 

But now things are so different, 

In sports the girls take part; 

Do you know Mrs. Whatsername? 

She throws a pretty dart.

1939 Kelly's lists Field Rose Jn. at The Chandos Arms.

Historical Society Publications

World War II John Lawton's diaries "Much More than the Village Schoolmaster..

there are 59 mentions of "Chandos Arms". examples:-

"Weston Turville A History" by Hamish Eaton

From the memories of Frank Gilbert

"Cockney men used to have a day out in the country at the Chandos, with a marquee on the lawn.  Plenty of supping took place and eating of marvellous meat - thick slices of beef with all the trimmings.  When the pub closed in the afternoon, a barrel of beer would be taken to the fields and the supping continued until opening time.  Well, these cockneys had a penchant or predilection for flowers to take back to London, possibly to appease their wives.  Well, the country folks beyond World’s End couldn’t miss this opportunity to have one over on these town dwellers, and they’d promptly sell them all manner of wild flowers, including potato flowers!"
